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Racing behind closed doors: first EMHF by video conference

The EMHF’s first seminar by video-conference attracted a record participation of fifteen countries. The subject of ‘Racing Behind Closed Doors’ was topical, with many member countries preparing for the resumption of racing. Protocols had been pre-circulated from Germany and France, which had resumed racing without crowds, and from Great Britain and Ireland, which were planning for an imminent re=start. Speakers from Deutsche Galopp, France Galop, the British Horseracing Authority, Horse Racing Ireland and the Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board, expanded on those protocols and answered questions.

Chaired by the Secretary-General, topics included: the presentation to Government of the case for the resumption of racing, race planning responses, additional race safety measures, how to determine the personnel who may attend, vetting of those attending, foreign participation, measures taken in the interests of social distancing and hygiene measures.

Feedback confirmed the success of the venture, despite the inability to meet in person. Burak Konuk, of the Turkish Jockey Club, remarked: “The seminar provided a great opportunity to see in detail how major countries have taken action towards resumption. Discussions ran smoothly and elaborated key issues, as each issue was discussed subject by subject.



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