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EHMF General Assembly agrees position on prohibited substances

At its General Assembly in Sweden on May 29th, the EMHF developed policy on Prohibited Substances which would apply throughout the European and Mediterranean region.

The EMHF is committed to the effective prohibition and detection of major doping agents,(ie those substances, including anabolic steroids, which are set out in Article 6E, Clause 4 of the International Federation of Horseracing Authority’s International Agreement on Breeding, Racing and Wagering), as those which are not to be administered to racehorses at any time in their career (see

To this end, EMHF member countries will place, within their doping control procedures and rules, an increasing emphasis on Out of Competition Testing including, where possible, testing after foal registration but prior to horses being returned in training, being cognisant of the fact that the effects of some Prohibited Substances can outlast their detectability, thereby potentially rendering raceday testing ineffective.

Further, the EMHF, taking note of the view of the European Horserace Scientific Liaison Committee (EHSLC) that ‘in principle EHSLC supports the prohibition on use of steroids from birth to retirement of the racing horse’, does not support the inclusion, within its member Racing Authorities’ domestic Rules of Racing, of any Therapeutic Use Exemption (as defined and allowed for, under certain circumstances, under Article 6E, Clause 5).

EMHF Chairman, Brian Kavanagh stated ”The EMHF is committed to the highest standard of doping control procedures and there is unanimous support for a prohibition on the use of steroids from birth to retirement of racehorses, increased out of competition testing and no therapeutic use exemption. Where possible, member countries will now reflect this policy in their rules of racing and their doping control procedures, delivering a common approach throughout the region on this key issue”.



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