The EMHF's European Union Committee organised its fourth annual Mission to Brussels to meet key MEP's and European Commission officials. These annual events provide a useful vehicle for member countries to raise issues of concern or importance to them with decision-makers in Brussels and to learn first-hand of current and likely future political developments. Delegates from Belgium, Holland, Great Britain and Ireland travelled to Brussels for a full programme of meetings put together by our EU Advisor, Cathy McGlynn.

EMHF delegates at a meeting with Mairead McGuiness MEP (First Vice President of the European Parliament) and Sean Kelly MEP, one of several interviews during 2018's productive EMHF mission to Brussels.Fromleft to right: Baron Philippe Casier (Belgium), Dr Paull Khan (EMHF), Kelly, McGuiness, Mr Paul Mulder (Hollnd), Mr Brian Kavanagh (Ireland), Mr Ross Hamilton (Great Britain) and Mr Jonathan Mullin (Ireland).