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Another record turnout for General Assembly

Another record turnout graced our General Assembly meeting, which was held in Naas, Ireland on Friday 5th February. Delegates from the following 19 countries attended: Belgium, Channel Islands, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey.

Five of our nine-strong Executive Council were re-elected for a further three-year term, including current Chairman, Brian Kavanagh and the three Vice-Chairmen, Behcet Homurlu (Turkey),Thierry Lohest (Belgium) and Omar Skalli (Morocco). The fifth Executive Council member to be re-elected was Rudiger Schmanns, (Germany).

Jonathan Perree, of the Channel Islands, was elected to join the Executive Council, filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Jakob Broger from Galopp Schweiz last year.In attendance, both as representative of Switzerland and as President of the Union Europeenne du Trot, an organisation with which EMHF enjoys reciprocal Observer status at General Assembly Meetings, was Jean-Pierre Kratzer, who gave a presentation on Trotting in Europe.

Delegates also received presentations from Michael O'Rourke, Marketing Director of hosts Horse Racing Ireland, on the Irish Racing and Breeding Industry and from Paul Palmer, representing the European and Mediterranean Stud Book Liaison Committee, on the new compliance process introduced by its global parent body, the International Stud Book Committee.

It was agreed that EMHF Seminars would be held this year on Farriery and Handicapping. Good progress was reported on the drive towards harmonisation of handicap ratings in Central Europe, with the production of a Central Europe Classification for the first time.

The Secretary-General, Paull Khan, will also develop plans to provide a clearing house service for the international training of racing authority officials.



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